Imaginary Dating Profile: Aussie Legend Spike Vincent
Nickname: Etch

Spike Vincent knows how to do more than just grow a fab mullet. He writes Aussie-tinged rock songs that are charming and romantically overcast. It’s the guitar-driven stuff that’ll remind you of your dad pulling up on the lawn after he’s taken himself on a drive to clear his head. They sound the way the pavement smells while you’re walking home from the train station on a too-hot day. Spike’s letting some of his own feelings hang out, but he’s also letting his guitar sing.
Spike spent his teens playing in a band called Drug Squad 66 with his dad, who had his own music history cred as a member of The Kelpies, and soon his sister Jett joined and they called themselves Baudelaire. Now, Spike has released his own self-titled debut, is playing his own shows (in fact, he is playing in Sydney on April 13), and is filling out magical imaginary dating profiles for Oyster. See if he’s a match:
Name: Spike Vincent
Nickname: Etch
Age: 27
Location: Camperdown & out
Profession: Musician/Horticulturalist
Star sign: Taurus/Horse
Quote to live by: You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life
Political affiliations: I follow Jamie Parker on Instagram, he follows me back
Hobbies: Hair care/Cats/Pasta
Things that annoy you: Siri
Want children: 4 sure
Drinking habits: Kombucha/Lemon, Lime & Bitters/Ultra Muscleze Night
Diet: Blossoming Lotus/Marrickville Markets/Tuna
Religious beliefs: Unknown
Music: Better Person, Oral-B, ptwiggs, HTRK, Display Homes, Body Type, Sex Tourists
Sports: Goal Keeper/Wicket Keeper, anything where you can stand around and think a lot
Have/want pets: 5 cats in the family, Gizmo, Rei Rei, Kinley, Fezza & Didi
Perfect first date: Hit the holes at the last good venue in Sydney, Holey Moley, loser buys Messina. 😀 *said with gun to head*
Impress me by: Doing a sick leadbreak
On our first date, wear: Crocs
Serenade me with: Ur Ocarina
Pick me up on your: Opal card
NEVER ask me: To smile. ;(
Pet hates: The music industry
Desirable attributes: Eats Spaghetti
What I’ve learnt from past relationships: Take a step back
Perfect birthday present: Vinyl
Favourite YouTube: Dianas – Leave Love

Images: @spikevincentmusic