Ilana Glazer Posts #MeToo, Reveals She Fired Two Creeps, Confirms She Is Boss

Get ready to clear your throat for the loudest sung YAAAAAS QUEEEEN, because Ilana Glazer of Broad City and heaps of other champion stuff has just done some very empowering storytelling.
Like many, many women out there (goddammit) she has posted a #MeToo story. In it, she details some of her experiences with sexual abuse and harassment. The best bit, though, is when she reveals the use of her power in a really comforting way.
“I’ve fired a couple dudes – one background actor and one sound guy,” she wrote on Instagram. “I was asked, ‘Are you sure?’ Hmm, okay yeah lemme think a sec – YEAH I’M FUCKING SURE.”
Continuing, she hits it home in the most inspo way: “Getting harassed seems to be a constant, but having the opportunity to do something about it is rare.” Excuse us while we are stomping our way to the top of our industries.

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