Meet The Models: Emma Breschi And Tehya Elam Are The Bold Beauties Fronting Bonds
Future icons.

Bonds is in the thick of a campaign that celebrates two things that we love: bold women and comfortable underwear. Last week, we introduced Liz Cambage (who tbh does not need an introduction), the legendary basketball player and unfiltered instagram babe who is a huge inspiration for us. This week, we bring you young models Emma Breschi, who is as brilliantly uncovered and truthful as they come, and Tehya Elam who is a mesmerising angel but also very real.
Emma Breschi

Name: Emma Sofia Breschi
Age: 25
Star sign: Virgo
Where were you born and where are you now?
I was born in Switzerland, my parents are Italian and Filipino, I grew up in Thailand and now I live in London.
How did you get to where you are in life, and what motivated you or brought you here?
Going with the flow, enjoying the ride — doing me, whilst working hard and not comparing myself to others.
Outside of modelling, what are you good at?
Writing really shit songs with my sister. We have a band called No Girl.
What do you wish you were better at?
When was the last time you met someone who changed you? Who and how?
A psychic called Sue Phillips. She told me to stop seeing psychics, lol — love you, Sue!
What do you like to do offline and how important is it for you to draw a line between online and offline times?
I’m never offline… I live for the drama. Lol, I’m joking, social media seriously is not my life. That’s why balance is so important. You have to cherish being in the moment. I love going surfing or going on long walks with my dogs. That’s my favourite time to switch off.
Is staying real important? What does it mean to you and how do you check yourself?
I don’t know any other way to be, I’m just really honest. But maybe real for me is just lazy? Being naked, with no makeup most of the time is easier for me and less strenuous on my bank account. I have mad respect for Insta baddies and the amount of work they put in for their consistently polished posts. That’s also pretty amazing to see! Honestly, I think being real is being true to yourself, whatever that truth may be, polished or not.
As someone who is influential, how do you maintain being real and unfiltered but also being aspirational? Are there parts of you that you hide?
I’m pretty open, but I think there are parts of me that my mother wishes were hidden (lol). The truth is, I never had the intention of being “influential”, I’m just a really honest person. So I guess through social media and the way I am it happens naturally. I don’t have a strategic plan with how I go about using my voice and platform. I simply enjoy opening up conversations about various things that I am passionate about.
Inside of modelling, how do you overcome the difficult stuff — comparing yourself to others at castings, overcoming rejection and these negative things that are quite common in the industry?
Honestly? I’m so tired that I never have the time or the energy to worry about other people. I actually enjoy negative things, because they allow me to appreciate the positive things so much more. I never hold onto negative feelings for too long or take things too personally. I try to see things from a different perspective, which might explain why I tend to find rude people really funny, especially when they’re being rude to me — it’s odd but I actually get a kick out of it. I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, I’m pretty weird… I have a dark sense of humour, which usually works to my advantage, especially in an industry like this. At the end of the day, if my existence bothers someone, I usually thank them for their feedback and show them where the unfollow button is. Thank you, next!
What things do you do to make sure you’re mentally and physically healthy?
I shuffle cards every morning and evening (whether you think that’s mentally healthy or not — it seems to work for me). My friends and family think I’m a bit crazy or obsessed, but I find it really therapeutic. It’s like meditation for me. I usually shuffle my cards for like 20 minutes and it gives me time to recenter.
Do you think there is enough awareness of physical and mental health in the industry? Are there any people or figures you look to for leadership on these fronts?
I think now more than ever, people are more open to having real deep and meaningful conversations. There are so many people encouraging others to open up, explore new ideas — embracing who they are and raising their voices. I have so many favourite leaders at the moment, that I look up to a lot: Munroe Bergdof, Chidera Eggerue (The Slum Flower), @Steven, Venus Libido and of course Bloody Good Period — the work they do to break down taboos behind menstruation and ending period poverty is amazing. I also love @loveyourmutha, which is a YouTube channel I work with that’s dedicated to celebrating all things in sustainability and conscious living.
Can you say that you feel comfy in your body? I know it’s a learning process, so I wondered how you stay positive in an industry (and online world) that loves to judge.
I know it’s different for everyone and everyone’s journey is their own. But the way I see it… if I were lying on my death bed contemplating my life… I definitely won’t be thinking “Damn, I wish I had abs.” You know what I mean? Like bro, I got bigger fish to fry and other things in mind. I’d much rather spend my time figuring out how to master an orgasm than fuss over my BMI. That’s just me. As long as I’m healthy, happy and trying to be the best I can be within myself, that’s all that matters. I know it’s not easy for everybody, but honestly the moment you let go of self doubt, you let in self love!
Which parts of yourself do you love the most?
I love my lips (both of them) hahahahahaha, get it? Ahhh man, I really hope you got that!
And, of course we gotta ask, how do you feel in Bonds?
I feel most comfortable when I’m naked. But wearing Bonds… I feel naked, therefore I am comfortable.
Do you have any favourite pieces or colours from the Retro Rib collection?
Power blue! Always.
Finally, do you think comfy undies can change the world?
Of course! Like my Filipino mother says in her accent, “Make shure yew alwaze hab da clean pantehs.”
Tehya Elam

Name: Tehya Elam
Age: 19
Star sign: Aries
Where were you born and where are you now?
I was bon in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I am currently based in New York City.
How did you get to where you are in life, and what motivated you or brought you here?
God opened up the door for me and with trust in my agency, I was able to go with the flow. My family and friends motivated me the most throughout this journey — to have thick skin and always stay true to myself, never forgetting where I came from.
Outside of modelling, what are you good at?
I really enjoy painting and making collages. I’d like to say I’m good at it, but it doesn’t matter as long as I enjoy my time doing it.
What do you wish you were better at?
I wish I was better at seeing things through. So much catches my attention and I find it hard to stick with one thing before jumping to start the next.
When was the last time you met someone who changed you? Who and how?
My friend Skylar said something that stuck with me earlier this week, she said “What you say and do, is who you are.” As someone seeking meaning and purpose — it really resonated with me.
What do you like to do offline, and how important is it for you to draw a line between online and offline times?
I love being creative offline, whether working on my art, reading, or picking up new hobbies like skateboarding. I am also a very spiritual person, so I meditate and ground a lot. I’ve never been big with social media or spending a lot of time on the internet, but I find myself doing it more and more these days. So every month I take a day or two to completely unplug from all devices. It aids my mental health.
Is staying real important? What does it mean to you and how do you check yourself?
Being real to me means not faking who you are because of your environment. The way I check myself is being aware of what I’m doing in those moments when I’m not being my authentic self, shaking it off, and then letting it go.
As someone who is influential, how do you maintain being real and unfiltered but also being aspirational? Are there parts of you that you hide?
I don’t know if I’d consider myself influential, but I stay true by constantly being in tune with myself and the vibrations I’m giving off. I have brothers and sisters who look up to me and I strive to do my best at all times because I want them to do the same.
Inside of modelling, how do you overcome the difficult stuff — comparing yourself to others at castings, overcoming rejection and these negative things that are quite common in the industry?
I try to check myself whenever faced with a road block, constantly questioning where it stems from. So if I find myself comparing my journey to someone else’s, I remember there’s only one me and that everybody is in their own lane. It helps me to overcome rejection. Understanding that not everything is meant for me. A mantra I keep in mind is “Don’t compete, don’t compare.”
What things do you do to make sure you’re mentally and physically healthy?
I am very passionate about mental and physical health, and believe they go hand in hand. I meditate, I communicate thoughtfully, I write. I stay energised by eating well, going for walks, stretching and lots of yoga.
Do you think there is enough awareness of physical and mental health in the industry? Are there any people or figures you look to for leadership on these fronts?
I feel like these topics are being brought up more and more, but I don’t know how to determine whether it’s enough. Regardless — it matters that it’s being discussed.
Can you say that you feel comfy in your body? I know it’s a learning process, so I wondered how you stay positive in an industry (and online world) that loves to judge.
I feel so comfortable in my body, but it wasn’t always like that. I too used to look in the mirror and shame myself on how I looked — but now I see my reflection and say, “I love you!” This is my body and an outside perspective has no say in how I’m going to feel on the inside.
Which parts of yourself do you love the most?
My spirit.
And, of course we gotta ask, how do you feel in Bonds?
Do you have any favourite pieces or colours from the Retro Rib collection?
The Retro Rib collection has a teal and pink colour that I’m obsessed with.
Finally, do you think comfy undies can change the world?
Photography: James Robinson
Fashion: Thalea Michos-Vellis
Produced by Oyster in partnership with Bonds.