Amber Rose Cancels SlutWalk This Year Because Of ‘Toxic Friends’
Sending posi vibes.

Amber Rose has apparently had a tough year. Currently pregnant, the activist has decided to cancel this year’s SlutWalk in an attempt to only be surrounding by “positive vibes.”
Rose made the announcement via Instagram earlier this week by sharing a quote about solitude.
“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it’s not because they enjoy solitude,” it read. “It’s because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”
Along with the quote, Rose shared a bit about the turmoil she’s experienced over the last year, leading to her decision to cancel SlutWalk.
“So me. I stopped being friends with about 20 people last year,” she wrote,” saying she’s “had friends steal jewelry and money from me, sleep with my BF’s behind my back, male friends lying and telling people we were sleeping together, alcoholic drug addict friends, abusive friends, toxic personality friends and I even had a friend call Social Services on me twice (for no fucking reason) only to sue me for calling her and cursing her out (when I found out it was her) smh.”
“Man, the list goes on you have no idea,” she continued. “The funny thing is I never snitched publicly on anyone. Ain’t that some shit?”
Rose continued to share how she’s tried to remain peaceful throughout all this stress, adding, “People may not know this but I’m extremely unproblematic. I don’t start fights. I don’t do drugs. I’m as sweet as pie and constantly get walked all over.”
But it wasn’t all negative.
“I’m so happy God has blessed me with a New Baby and an Amazing Man to help me through all the turmoil,” she concluded, explaining that all of this is why she’s been “laying so low during this pregnancy.”
“No Toxicity will be tolerated over here, only Positive vibes,” she wrote. “Fuck fake friends and their weirdo shit. I’d rather just have my family and my team.”
Amen. I mean, with friends like these, who needs enemies.
Rose the statement acknowledging these experiences as her reason for cancelling this year’s SlutWalk.
“Sorry I just have to protect my energy and peace,” she wrote, signing the post as “Muva.”
Honestly, do you, Amber. Just hope you’ll be back to lead the walk next year.
Image: Instagram